Tag: Project
ScaleBlaster Review
Every home that I’ve ever lived in has had hard water. There are pros to having hard water, but there are also many cons. The cons have led me to investigate ways of mitigating hard water, but this also has additional drawbacks. I recently purchased and installed a ScaleBlaster. Read on for my ScaleBlaster review.…
Warming My Mycology Grow Room
In the last issue of Fermenting Solutions, I mentioned that trying to keep my mycology grow room warm was becoming an issue. Each month, the arrival of my electric bills was starting to induce sticker shock. When I decided to have a year round mushroom growing setup it was only natural to put it in…
Can’t Quoit for Summer
I can’t remember too many summer time outings as a kid where the game of Quoits wasn’t nearby. It was such a naturally expected feature of any outdoor event that I found it shocking when no one seemed to even know the game when I moved to the Philadelphia area. I love to play the game and it…
Fermenting Solutions
My email newsletter is entitled Fermenting Solutions. It started years ago as an effort to ‘dog food’ AWeber’s Curate mobile app. It’s a semi regular chronicle of a current project that I’m spending time on… the trials, tribulations and the interesting beverages I’ve had to drink while trying to work through them. You can read…