Tag: Beer

  • My Alcohol Dichotomy

    My Alcohol Dichotomy



    I love beer… but I also strive to live the healthiest possible lifestyle.  I often encounter people that think I’m embellishing my beer resume since I guess I don’t look/act like the typical 40+ year old beer drinker.  I have enough proof that I’m not beefing up this resume 😁 Read on if you’re interested…

  • ZBiotics Review

    ZBiotics Review

    There are parts of the year when there is a beer fest every weekend.  Whenever the weather is great, I want to hang out at a great outdoor beer garden.  If I ever want to become a BJCP Master Beer Judge, I also need to take advantage of judging homebrew whenever I can.  This lifestyle…

  • ScaleBlaster Review

    ScaleBlaster Review

    Every home that I’ve ever lived in has had hard water.  There are pros to having hard water, but there are also many cons.  The cons have led me to investigate ways of mitigating hard water, but this also has additional drawbacks.  I recently purchased and installed a ScaleBlaster.  Read on for my ScaleBlaster review.…

  • How to backup and restore inMyCellar database

    How to backup and restore inMyCellar database

    Probably the most frequent question I hear from inMyCellar users is: “HELP!! I got a brand new shiny phone, installed inMyCellar and my cellar is now empty!  How do I get it back?”.  I hear your concern.  It pains me that I haven’t had enough free time to complete the uber cloud based backup solution…

  • Hey Google, talk to the Beer Judge Exam Trainer!

    Hey Google, talk to the Beer Judge Exam Trainer!

    It’s finally here… my first app for the Google Assistant has been approved.  You can get all of the details here,  but the basic gist is that it’s a straightforward helper for studying for the BJCP exam.  It’s available on Google Home, Android 6.0+ phones (soon to be 5.0+), TVs and iOS 9.0+ phones.  I basically used this as an example…

  • Fermenting Solutions

    My email newsletter is entitled Fermenting Solutions. It started years ago as an effort to ‘dog food’ AWeber’s Curate mobile app. It’s a semi regular chronicle of a current project that I’m spending time on… the trials, tribulations and the interesting beverages I’ve had to drink while trying to work through them. You can read…